Create a project that is worthy of the 64th Annual Toyko Type Director’s Club competition. The only requirement is that the submission remains focused on typography and fits within the competition’s categories.
This was our final project of the term, with an open-ended prompt. I sought to go beyond font pairing and slight manipulations to existing typefaces, and instead created my own characters. In drawing inspiration from various designers already working with handmade type, it was my mission to gain insight into how people do this and what common tactics they use.
As guidance for the design and to understand the meaning behind each month, I looked at each months’ full moon according to Native American, Christian and pagan traditions. In conclusion I uncovered many overlaps of what each month means. If you feel certain months cause emotions and habits, you aren’t alone. I based my characters and color choices off of the season and traditions involved in each month. I included a small moon on each character and some of the same terminal ends and angles for consistency’s sake. For the layout, I looked at art nouveau-era calendars, as this was a time of great appreciation for nature, with organic forms.